How much does Langua cost? (Pricing info)

Langua has a freemium pricing model, i.e. a free plan with limits, and a Pro plan with a lot more features.

To see pricing for Langua Pro in your country, please click here. Note you'll need to be logged in to see the page.

If you click the toggle, you can switch between the annual and monthly subscription. There's a 30-day moneyback guarantee for peace of mind. This means that if you're not sure, you can try Pro and get a refund if it's not for you. You can see it like a trial period.

The subscriptions are also easily cancellable from within your account on Langua under Settings > Subscription.

On the free plan, you can generate one interactive transcript per day, as well as view transcripts generated by others. We can't offer all features for free as the artificial intelligence technology we leverage is expensive. With plans costing less than $0.50 per day, we believe that Langua Pro is well worth its price. We hope you'll agree when you try it! 😊

P.S. In case you're instead looking for the cost of tutoring sessions on LanguaTalk, rather than our learning software, Langua, you can see the prices on tutors' profiles. It varies significantly depending on the tutor, and payments over there are always in USD (visible at checkout if you click 'Buy Lessons').