Do I have to book my lessons within a certain time period?

Yes, lessons must be scheduled within nine months of purchase. We show this on checkout pages, on the  Payments tab in your account settings, and in our Terms.

We advise students to only purchase a quantity of lessons they're sure they'll be able to use within nine months.

Please note that whilst you need to schedule lessons in the booking system within nine months, the lessons could potentially be taken a few weeks after the expiry if your tutor has availability. The expiry refers to when you book them in the system, not when they're taken. We don't want you to miss out on lessons, so we will extend the expiry to 11 months after purchase upon request.

Why do lesson credits have a time limit? Firstly, because we're restricted by US payment regulations in the length of time we can hold marketplace payments. And secondly, because tutors change their pricing and availability over time - we can't make the lessons available forever.