I'm experiencing technical issues with the AI conversation feature, Communicate. What should I do?

The AI chat uses a combination of various technologies, resulting in the occasional occurrence of technical hiccups. Below are a few possible issues with simple solutions that have worked for other learners.

If the solutions below do not work for you, or if you have a different issue, please do get in touch with our team via email or via the Help button. We want to make sure you have a great experience with Langua, and your feedback is important to us too.

Issues and solutions:

1) The AI added some random text that I did not say.

Please see here for an explanation and solutions.

2) The first message from the AI is not loading.

The average response time is around 4 seconds, but it varies depending on two factors: the length of your response (as the AI has to read it), and most importantly, the length of the AI's reply. If the AI is preparing an answer including 5 or more sentences, you may have to wait 10-15 seconds. If it still does not load, there may be a technical issue. Some ways to fix this:

    • 1) refresh the page if you wish to continue the chat.
    • 2) click on Communicate in the site menu, and try starting a new chat.
    • 3) Try clearing your Cookies and Cache. See the instructions at the bottom of this article for how to do this in a few clicks.

If you're still having trouble, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

3) I cannot record what I say.

Normally your browser will show a notification asking you to enable your microphone when you first access the AI chat. Very occasionally, the browser may not do this, in which case you will see 'Enable microphone access' at the bottom of the screen in the chat. If clicking this does not trigger the option to enable your mic, it means you need to first unblock it at the browser level. This varies by device. Please see below for instructions:

  • Chrome & Firefox (laptops): you should see a mic icon or an icon like the one below, just to the left of the website URL. Click this to unblock the microphone access.

  • If you're using an Android phone, click the icon that looks like the image above, just to the left of the website (URL) at the top of the page in the chat on Langua. You'll see Permissions and from there you can enable the microphone. You can also access this by clicking the three vertical dots in the top right, then the (i) symbol at the very top.
  • On Apple devices, Apple will disable your microphone unless you enable it each time you go on Langua. To check that your mic is on, go to Safari settings, then Websites, then Microphone. Next to 'LanguaTalk', you'll see whether the mic is allowed or not. Change it to Allow (this should prevent you from being asked every time). If it's already on Allow, change to Deny, then switch back to Allow. If this does not fix it, see steps for clearing your cookies/cache at the bottom of this page.
  • If you're specifically using an iPhone or iPad, it should also be possible to see the mic icon next to 'LanguaTalk' on the tab that has the chat open. You can disable and enable by clicking on the mic icon.

If your microphone is already enabled, learners have usually been able to fix it by clearing their Cookies/Cache. See below for how to do this in a few clicks. If none of the above works, you could try using a different internet browser or device. Another possibility could be that a Chrome Extension is interfering with the site.

Instructions for clearing your cookies and cache:

  • If you're using Google Chrome, copy this into your search bar: chrome://settings/privacy . Alternatively, to reach this page, click the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser window to open the menu, then scroll down and select "Settings." Click on "Privacy and security" (on the left if you're on a laptop), then 'Clear browsing data'. You can select to only clear the last 7 days if you want to keep data from before then (so you do not get logged out of other sites).
  • Using Safari? Go to the Safari menu, select "Preferences," and then click on the "Privacy" tab. From there, you can click on "Manage Website Data" and remove any data related to LanguaTalk. Then go back to LanguaTalk and log in.
    • If you're using an iPad or iPhone, it's a bit different. Go to the Settings app. Near the bottom, click Advanced. Then 'Website Data'. Then 'Edit', click the red button next to LanguaTalk and 'Delete'.
  • For Firefox: Go to the top of the page, where you see the current page. To the left of this, click the padlock, and select Clear Cookies and Site Data.